Expert Buys for the LattePanda 1st Generation SBC
With the LattePanda series single board computers having existed in stores and on shelves for over four years now, there’s bound to be lots of little goodies and wonderful peripherals that can be used on the LattePanda boards to make your projects even better. And such is the case!
Here, we have assembled a list together of three of the best purchases that sometimes get missed when buying good accessories that will enhance your LattePanda SBC’s capabilities in your extreme project.

LattePanda 5MP UVC Camera

Need to make a security camera which monitors your home environment or a device which controls variables based off of video or visual feedback input? You may realize that this is a perfect project to make using your LattePanda SBC and its fast processor to run object-recognition software or heavy-duty video software. But what about the visual input hardware? Which camera should you use, especially in conjunction with your LattePanda SBC? For this, a special 5MP camera was made and prepared to be used on the LattePanda 1st generation SBC. Using the trusty Gravity sensor connector that the LattePanda 1st generation SBC has for the many helpful and useful Gravity connector sensors that can help makers of all levels make very sophisticated projects, this camera can utilize the same port to interface with the LattePanda, and rivals the Raspberry Pi and its camera peripherals in size, usability, and versatility. Truly, this camera has the small size and extraordinary resolution that could help you to make even some of the most advanced and difficult projects that demand the most of the small hardware that is incorporated into it.
Gravity: Starter Sensor Kit

Speaking of the Gravity ports, these ports on the LattePanda 1st generation SBC are perfect for any other Gravity sensors that you may need, and in order to have access to all of these wonderful sensors, makers should consider purchasing the Gravity Sensor Starter Kit and make use of these wonderful sensors. The benefits of these sensors are that they are easy to set up and makers of any level can learn how to start using them. Most do not require you to have a detailed knowledge of circuits to connect them properly to the LattePanda SBC board, so they become very nice plug-and-play modules for your next great project which utilizes sensors and detectors. This starter kit easily becomes a toolkit which opens doors of opportunity for your project.
There is quite an exhaustive list of connectors you could use from just this starter kit alone, but if you were to need even more sensors for your projects, you can always buy more kinds from the DFRobot store directly on their website.
Pure Copper Heatsinks

There has been quite a lot of research done recently to determine what is the best and most efficient way at getting rid of heat in your computer or electronic system–a metal heatsink with a fan or a water-coolant system? The verdict now stands that both are equally viable options, with some fans actually being more effective, cheaper, and less risky then a water-coolant system for some computers. Provided that this is the case, the LattePanda team set out to determine how to help the LattePanda SBC boards dissipate heat quickly from some of their electronics which frequently run hot. Ultimately, metal heatsink pieces suitable for installation on the small available spaces on the board and small form-factor fans were made available for purchase, and together they do a lot to dissipate heat quickly and efficiently.
Many makers have noticed that DFRobot has fans available for purchase, but there are not as many makers who have gone ahead to purchase the heatsinks as well. Here, we would like for it to be known that purchasing and using both make for some of the perfect setups to get rid of and dissipate heat from the LP SBC boards. We hope that these can help any makers who have their boards run a little hot while housed in a particular project that places high demands on its processor while operating nearby sensors, devices, or machinery.
Wireless Keyboard with Touchpad

While many projects are best made with some level of automation, it is still required that these functions be coded and programmed in to the SBC. Enter the wireless keyboard with onboard touchpad! It excels in the same way the LattePanda SBC boards do–it is small and portable. This makes it perfect to interface to your LattePanda wirelessly to configure special features into your project on the go, and limiting the amount of things you would need to carry by a considerable amount. When you need some light, small peripherals for a project on the go, be sure to get this wireless keyboard to add to your small collection of things you will need for your project’s ultimate success.
Make sure to find what you need and keep making!