EVENT - Show LattePanda on social media to win SN850X 2T SSD, display, case, etc.

1. Post photos or
videos showcasing your LattePanda project or application on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Reddit.
2. Add a project intro and use #ShowLattePanda. Tag LattePanda’s official account to ensure your entry is seen (FB: LattePandacn; TW: LattePandaCN; INS: lattepanda_cn; For Reddit, you can add “Show LattePanda” in the subject or send the post link to rita.chu@dfrobot.com)
3. Amplify your reach:)
1. Popularity Prize (1 Winner): 2TB WD_BLACK SSD + LattePanda souvenir pack
(The entry that sparks the most shares, likes, and comments.)
2. First Prize (1 Winner): The latest 11.6'' eDP Touch Display + LattePanda Souvenir Pack
(The dispaly is compatible with LattePanda 3 Delta and Sigma)
3. Second Prize (2 Winners): LattePanda Case of Choice + LattePanda Souvenir Pack
4. Third Prize (10 Winners): $20 Amazon/DFRobot Vouchers
Event Time: Dec 19, 2023 - Feb 19, 2024
Prize Announcement: Feb 29, 2024
*The first, second, and third prizes are determined by the LattePanda team, taking into account factors such as:
The project's completeness (including the construction process, components or accessories used, and the project's overall effectiveness; as a general rule, projects that are more comprehensive have a higher likelihood of receiving our awards);
Creativity (projects with innovative content or an interesting development process);
Difficulty (projects that are relatively complex or challenging; showcasing your professional skills within the project will also earn bonus points);
As well as the quality and popularity of the project post.