Forum >Latte Panda does not launching after reinstall
Latte Panda does not launching after reinstall

The LattePanda does not launching the Windows.
After changing the Electricity cable and charger and tried to reinstall it using your Docs instructions web page.
The first step of reinstalling from a USB went successfully. Then the command line says "exit" in order to boot the device.
After the boot the device start to load (Pic no. 1).
Then, after a minute the Lattepande shut down.
I clicked the On button and it starts again to load Windows, and after a minute an error message was shown, (Pic 2).
After click OK , It start over an over again and always the same error messgae.
How can I fix it ?
Eran Attachments
Boot after turn On (pic 2) 2016-05-26_21.44.21 last.jpg (230.7 KiB) Viewed 5917 times
Boot after install (Pic 1) 2016-05-26_21.42.21 (1).jpg (218.04 KiB) Viewed 5917 times
The LattePanda does not launching the Windows.
After changing the Electricity cable and charger and tried to reinstall it using your Docs instructions web page.
The first step of reinstalling from a USB went successfully. Then the command line says "exit" in order to boot the device.
After the boot the device start to load (Pic no. 1).
Then, after a minute the Lattepande shut down.
I clicked the On button and it starts again to load Windows, and after a minute an error message was shown, (Pic 2).
After click OK , It start over an over again and always the same error messgae.
How can I fix it ?
Eran Attachments