Install Win 10 New [littel Howto] 4GB LattePanda

userHead schluej 2016-06-19 11:33:44 9195 Views6 Replies
Moin Moin,
a little how to for a clean win10 Installation
First do a down load of the driver set from her.
Tipp: if you create a google account you are able to download the hole dir as a zip file!
Create a USB Stick with the media creation tool we need 64 bit!
You need a power supply with 2.1A with no voltage drop below 5V!
  • Connect the WIN10 Stick to LattePanda
  • Start the LattePanda
  • Install you Win 10 I just do a format for drive c: i do no change to the partition
  • While restart remove the USB Stick
  • Now you get a Win10 Home activate
  • For home Pro user go to activation an enter the VK7JG-NPHTM-C97JM-9MPGT-3V66T key.
    If you already have installed the Pro version you will get you version after change to Pro is finish.
    All other Pro user keep you key ready after reboot.
  • Now we unzip the driver zip. Create a tmp dir on c:/ and unzip the drivers in the dir.
  • if ouy do the above go to C:\tmp\4+64_X64_Drivers
  • Go to the explorer menu -> view -> Options go Tab "View" and disable the "Hide extensions for known files types"
    Apply to folders an than "OK".
  • Go to the Upper right corner and search for *.mp3 (in my zip download all .inf files had a .mp3 extension) and remove all ".mp3" for the .inf.mp3 files so that all only end with ".inf"
  • Know go to C:\tmp\4+64_X64_Drivers\MRD-64bit-Intel-Driver-Release\Scripts
  • With right mouse key choos edit for the install.bat
  • Go to the end and search for line "install /i /q" replace this line with "pnputil -i -a BtwSerialBus.inf"
    because there is no install
  • Remove

    Code: Select all

    echo ************** echo Install graphic driver .... echo set foldername=Graphics set infname=igdlh64.inf cd %foldername% pnputil -i -a %infname% cd .. Will not work Install the update manually
  • Save the install.bat
  • Before you start check the device Manager -> Network Adapter (if Broadcom 802.11 is available)
    Right Mouse key on Broadcom 802.11 adapter -> uninstall -> delete the driver software for this device (checked) and OK
  • Right click on the install.bat and run as administrator
  • after installation is done reboot the system
  • So that all, after that my system works fine without any unknown device.
    You have to install the Arduino IDE if you need...
    <-- Update 23.06.2016 Download Zip from Googel drive -->
    Open the link from above.
    Login with your google account, upper right corner.
    Than you should see the a blue button, again upper right corner.
    Sorry In Google drive öffnen should be equal to open in google drive. AfterLogin.PNG AfterLogin.PNG (100.9 KiB) Viewed 8593 times Than you should see the 2 directory's.
    Click with right mouse key on the directory's and choose download. The attachment GoogeldriveDownload.PNG is no longer available <-- Ende Update --> Attachments GoogeldriveDownload.PNG GoogeldriveDownload.PNG (100.43 KiB) Viewed 8593 times