Ethernet Port not in Device Manager

userHead PJT_IT 2017-09-07 08:49:06 3821 Views5 Replies
My company owns two LPs, I had no trouble with the 2gb/32gb and it tested very well in a super harsh environment we are looking to use this platform to change over from the RPi 2 that we are currently using in kiosks around our plant. We normally do not use the WIFI function and would rather use the Ethernet port in any application we use in our shops. I recently purchased a 4gb/64gb to test for swapping out our workstations in the shops that are currently using RPi 2/3 or WYSE clients. The problem is that out of the box the ethernet port has a green light and connectivity flashing light but, is not seen by the computer. I even looked for it in the device manager also looked for additional settings in the UEFI and it isn't there. Is there a way around this or am I going to need to return it?