USB ports disabled after changing USB mode, can't enter BIOS anymore ...

userHead marc.d 2018-12-15 07:20:30 1782 Views0 Replies

I've been using the Lattepanda Alpha for nearly three months now, and recently bumped in a few issues, one of which is a showstopper ...

While happily running Slackware current (14.2+) from an NVMe SSD, I plugged in storage on the USB3 ports, (SSD -> SATA -> USB3), but found that the drive was connected then immediately disconnected. Every now and then the connection seemed stable, and then I saw that drive was recognized as /dev/sda.

Searching for the USB connect/disconnect issue, i found a post saying that one should configure the USB-3 ports to operate in USB-2 mode. So i did that for all ports in the BIOS, but now the USB keyboard and mouse are not recognized anymore, meaning that I cannot enter the BIOS anymore to get that issue corrected.

The alpha can still boot, but not to Slackware anymore as i removed the NVMe SSD and started up the board again for testing purposes. But then Windows 10 took over and updated itself, probably redefining the Windows 10 boot entry in the UEFI to start up first. So, no Slackware anymore, not even after reinstalling the NVMe SSD ...

So now I'm searching for a way to HW-reset the BIOS to factory defaults, because the alpha does not recognize anything on USB anymore ....

Let's hope someone knowledgeable can get me out of this situation, as otherwise my alpha now would be an expensive brick.

Or is it ready for RMA?

Hoping for help and some useful tips now.
