Anyone else undervolting their alpha for lower temps?

userHead SpareADime 2019-01-03 18:19:57 4576 Views2 Replies
Hello Everyone,

I just got my LPA 864 back from an RMA. (You can see my other post.) I am working on trying to reduce the heat output by undervolting the CPU. I am just wondering if any other LPA owners are trying the same.

I have been using the Intel Extreme Tuning Utility Win10 and GeorgeWhewell's Undervolt CPU in Ubuntu 18.04 to do some simple changes. I was able to reduce the core voltage offset by -0.06V and maintain stability in both OS's.

In Win10, I have used the Intel ETU's for benchmarking. Using the default setting (no voltage changes), the bench mark resulted in a max temperature of 80C with a score of 424. Lowering the core voltage offset by -0.06V resulted in a benchmark score of 422 and a max temperature of 73C. (Not a bad start)

Has anyone else tried undervolting their LPA? I was just wondering before I start looking at the other voltages and timing settings.

(I did search if there was another postings on the subject. I did not find any. If there is, I will just redirect to that thread.)

Good Luck,