Forum >error "mmc1: Timeout waiting for hardware cmd interrupt

error "mmc1: Timeout waiting for hardware cmd interrupt

userHead Raymond Day 2019-02-11 02:18:12 4773 Views3 Replies
Install Ubuntu Ubuntu Linux 18.04.1 server on my LattaPanda alpha.

As it boots and goes to the login it fills up the screen with this:

[ 248.520351] mmc1: sdhci: ============================================
[ 258.746992] mmc1: Timeout waiting for hardware cmd interrupt.
[ 258.749490] mmc1: sdhci: ============ SDHCI REGISTER DUMP ===========
[ 258.751722] mmc1: sdhci: Sys addr: 0x00000000 | Version: 0x00001002
[ 258.752921] mmc1: sdhci: Blk size: 0x00000000 | Blk cnt: 0x00000000
[ 258.753713] mmc1: sdhci: Argument: 0x00000000 | Trn mode: 0x00000000
[ 258.754470] mmc1: sdhci: Present: 0x000a0001 | Host ctl: 0x00000000
[ 258.755220] mmc1: sdhci: Power: 0x0000000e | Blk gap: 0x00000080
[ 258.755981] mmc1: sdhci: Wake-up: 0x00000000 | Clock: 0x00004e47
[ 258.756676] mmc1: sdhci: Timeout: 0x00000000 | Int stat: 0x00000000
[ 258.757360] mmc1: sdhci: Int enab: 0x00ff0043 | Sig enab: 0x00ff0043
[ 258.758019] mmc1: sdhci: ACmd stat: 0x00000000 | Slot int: 0x00000000
[ 258.758657] mmc1: sdhci: Caps: 0x7568c881 | Caps_1: 0x00000807
[ 258.759303] mmc1: sdhci: Cmd: 0x0000371a | Max curr: 0x00000000
[ 258.759935] mmc1: sdhci: Resp[0]: 0x00000000 | Resp[1]: 0x00000000
[ 258.760550] mmc1: sdhci: Resp[2]: 0x00000000 | Resp[3]: 0x00000000
[ 258.761180] mmc1: sdhci: Host ctl2: 0x00000000
[ 258.761784] mmc1: sdhci: ADMA Err: 0x00000000 | ADMA Ptr: 0x0000000000000000
[ 258.762403] mmc1: sdhci: ============================================

That is in the dmesg log file. Same what fills up the HDMI text screen.

After about 5 minutes or so it stops displaying them messages.

As I use it doing things on it the screen will show lines like this:

systemd-gpt-auto-generator[507]: Failed to dissect: Input/output error

It seems like it all still works. I had it up for about 2 days all ready. Been tying other kernel's then rebooting. But same errors like this. Any one else have this too?

I have the 4GB RAM/64GB eMMC one.

-Raymond Day