Forum >Working 10.1" Screen for Alpha/Delta

Working 10.1" Screen for Alpha/Delta

userHead anonymous 2019-11-12 00:39:36 30711 Views10 Replies
After months of searching, I finally found a working 10.1" screen.

Part# B101UAN01.C
10.1inch 1920x1080 New led Screen ($46) ... Db4465V2T1

Datasheet: ... J2YJ8Dy-EA

Cable: 0.4 Pitch 30P (I-PEX 20523) to 0.5 Pitch FPC FFC cable line ($16)

Make sure its a 20523 connector! It worked for me not sure about the other one.

My highest resolution is 1920x1200

Im on the hunt for a matching touch screen. I believe I found one. Im trying to find more details about it. Attachments 20191111_025718(1).jpg 20191111_025718(1).jpg (618.22 KiB) Viewed 15405 times 20191111_025631(1).jpg 20191111_025631(1).jpg (480.41 KiB) Viewed 15405 times 20191111_030223(1).jpg 20191111_030223(1).jpg (1.5 MiB) Viewed 15405 times 20191111_030145(1).jpg 20191111_030145(1).jpg (685.44 KiB) Viewed 15405 times