it does not booting windows

userHead swyun 2022-01-06 23:40:44 575 Views1 Replies

Upon receiving the board and booting,
it does not booting windows (stop getting devices ready at 40%) and power off.
I tried to install windows OS using USB, but the problem persists.
It show following massage always.
~~ unexpected error. windows installation cannot proceed~~

- Have you tried the solutions listed above?
- What board are you using? Standard (2GB RAM/32GB eMMC) or Enhanced (4GB RAM/64GB eMMC)?
=> 4GB RAM/64GB eMMC
- Have you tried any other solutions?
=> I tried to install OS using USB
- How long have you had your board for?
=> 2 days
- When did you first boot your board?
=> don't work
- Did it work ok before the issue occurred or has the issue always been there?
==> no
- Use images and videos to help us understand the issue where possible
=> no Attachments 20220105_141847.jpg 20220105_141847.jpg (3.43 MiB) Viewed 259 times