Forum >I updated my Bios on my Z8350 now I have no display after restart

I updated my Bios on my Z8350 now I have no display after restart

userHead Mike.Stewart 2024-07-16 21:27:24 417 Views3 Replies

I'm hoping someone can help. This all started when windows wouldn't boot. I tried to reinstall Windows 10 with a copy of windows on a flash drive. No luck. So then I tried to update the bios on my Z8350 in hopes that it would finally read the usb stick and finally boot into the windows startup. Everything seems to update fine but after restart I had no more display. The blue light flicked and then went solid like the system was working but just no display. Ugh! So I downloaded the oldest Bios update I could find (DF-BI-7-S70CR110-CC34E-002-I from 2017). I loaded the files on my thumb drive and then attemped attempted to boot it blind. Again the blue light flickered and then went solid. I waited a good 10 minutes in hopes the old bios would load automaticly. Then on restart still no picture. 


I even tried holding the start and reset buttons for 20 minutes and then let go and then disconnected the power for one minute and while the power was unplugged then held the power and reset for 20 seconds again (without the power hooked up). Still no luck. 


Is my Lattepanda now a brick or is there anyway to save it?