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Custom Console Development (with Linux)

userHead VioletGames 2019-01-25 10:19:02 155652 Views11 Replies
Hi everyone, we have been tinkering around with some ideas to utilize the LattePanda in game development. We're currently working on publishing an Indie Game called Little Hellions. As part of the development, we wanted to create a custom demo console (not for sale) to run the game and bring to events prior to its release.

New video of the Six-66


Here's where we are at so far:
consoleconcept-Jc2.jpg Initial Sketches consoleconcept-Jc2.jpg (271.44 KiB) Viewed 64366 times schadencuvev1.31jan24.jpg 3D Rendering schadencuvev1.31jan24.jpg (113.44 KiB) Viewed 64366 times Because the game runs up to 4 players, we also needed to get a 4-port USB hub, mounted separately. We ended up purchasing a couple generic hubs that met our design needs and removed the boards to test them.
pandaUSB USB Hubs pandaUSB's.jpg (385.38 KiB) Viewed 64366 times We're currently working on setting up Ubuntu for next week, testing the USB boards and testing the Joystick controllers. We will then export our game through YYC to run on the board.

Some of the areas that we need to still explore include setting up the custom power buttons (seen on the front). We're debating whether or not to use an Arduino for this, or just the pin-outs on the board. We're also trying to figure out how to get the game cartridge to work.

The last few steps include removing the GUI from Linux, and setting up the game to auto-run. Once done, we'll be moving ahead with the 3D Printing of all the materials and starting assembly in April.

If anyone has any suggestions for creating workable power/reset buttons, we'd love to hear form you.

If you want to see some of our progress updates, we'll be posting them on our Facebook page for now.