userhead il.canty
Replies (2)
  • Topic:
    You Reply: hi all,

    sorry for being absent so long time... but my lattepanda was bricked and i had to wait for the RMA replacement.
    Lattepanda Team changed my bricked LP and now i'm attempting to install again Hyper-V core (2012R2 or 2016) on my LP.

    @VALENTIN actually i cannot find where, in the bios, i have to activate the AHCI mode, referring to :

    Code: Select all

    You have to go to the lattepanda bios and enable the ahci mode (i think this is the missing step for you) Could you (or anyone else that has succesfully installed a Windows server from scratch) help me identifying the correct parameter in the BIOS ?

    many thanks in advance!
  • Topic:
    You Reply: Hi Valentin, i'm sorry for the dumb question, but how do you installed and successfully booted a Windows Server on the LP? Have you slipstreamed some drivers in the installation image or selected them at the installation time ?
    I'm trying to install Hyper-V core, I succesfully install it on the internal 64G flash but at the first reboot I have an "INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE" like the internal flash is not recognized anymore.

    Could you help me ?

    thanks in advance, il.canty