Replies (13)
  • You Reply: OK!

    reflash BIOS still no HDMI on touchscreen
    Plug-in to TV surprisingly it works.
    back to touchscreen, all working now!

    Can you explain why?

    if I some how lost HDMI again, do I need to follow this procedure again?
  • You Reply: after two weeks of waiting, finally got the board back today.
    You had it flash to default BIOS, after press power button,
    it startup in Win10 Home (1511). Seams it is working again.
    so I try update to Win10 Pro 1607 and some customizing.

    after about 30 mins, I got black screen again.
    no output from HDMI again. No LattePanda splash screen,
    No access to bios.

    try to flash auto power on BIOS blindly,
    It boot up without needed to press power button.
    but no HDMI output. What is going on here?

    I power it with a 5V 3A supply via micro USB, is it really a power issue?
    Same power supply, HDMI cable, works with 32G LP without any issue.

    if I can't have it fixed by this weekend, I would like to have it exchange to 32G LP or refund.
  • You Reply:
    LattePanda wrote:
    gabe wrote:
    LattePanda wrote:I have been told it is shipping today and will be with you soon. Sorry for the delay.
    Still not getting it.
    Tracking number please!
    Hi gabe,

    you need to confirm a shipping address and ** before they can proceed. the email was sent to you with no reply. it has been sent again just to be sure. please let me know if you didnt get it.
    Confirmed via email this morning,
    Please have it ship out right away, and give tracking number
  • You Reply:
    LattePanda wrote:I have been told it is shipping today and will be with you soon. Sorry for the delay.
    Still not getting it.
    Tracking number please!
  • You Reply: Your board has been received.
    After testing it seems that it was a power lacking issue. The hardware seems ok...
    If there are no further questions we will ship back before this Friday.
  • You Reply:
    LattePanda wrote:
    gabe wrote:Did you check HDMI output?
    I been try every possible way to make it to work with same 5V3A power supply.
    Are you just simply plug it in and every thing works as it should?
    if that is the case, it should boot up to Ubuntu Mate!

    it shouldn't be just power issue, I uses exactly same power configuration as 32G one which is working flawlessly.

    I am absolutely sure the hardware is working normally, all lights working as it should be,
    but no HDMI output after I disable IGD in BIOS.
    and I have been re-flash BIOS via hard wire to the SPI flash chip. still can not get default video output back to HDMI.

    Please check thoroughly before send it back to me.

    we tested all basic functions including HDMI. And we noticed that it doesn't boot up with Ubuntu Mate,just a auto-boot LattePanda with new system and a blue fading LED.
    That is really odd, give no reasonable explanation why I can't get HDMI video out?
    Please send it to me ASAP.
    and if you have that Wafer 1.25mm 2P connector on hand, please send two for me

  • You Reply: Did you check HDMI output?
    I been try every possible way to make it to work with same 5V3A power supply.
    Are you just simply plug it in and every thing works as it should?
    if that is the case, it should boot up to Ubuntu Mate!

    it shouldn't be just power issue, I uses exactly same power configuration as 32G one which is working flawlessly.

    I am absolutely sure the hardware is working normally, all lights working as it should be,
    but no HDMI output after I disable IGD in BIOS.
    and I have been re-flash BIOS via hard wire to the SPI flash chip. still can not get default video output back to HDMI.

    Please check thoroughly before send it back to me.

  • You Reply: 1. real Arduino compatible pins layout, add complexity of PCB layout, Great advantage for shields comparability.
    2. X265 hardware decode
    3. HDMI CEC (not sure if it already there on V1)
  • You Reply: LattePanda please advice should I send it back to you or wait for new BIOS,

    Can you confirm if I get a LCD from your store will be able to recover BIOS from the internal LCD port?
  • You Reply:
    so I try to mess up some BIOS settings. turn out no HDMI output at all,
    can you remember which bios settings you changed? we are working on a new bios currently that will eliminate these point of no return bios errors and are collecting user data.
    When will this new BIOS be available? current BIOS will not recover no HDMI output setting.
    Please Help!
  • You Reply: Had BIOS reflashed by hardware method, Still no video from HDMI.

    RED LED steady on shows it is up and running. just that I can't see it from HDMI.

    Long press power can put it to sleep, and wake it up.

    I even blindly key-in BIOS key sequence try to cover it. no luck!

    Guys, there got to be a way to get it back to work, maybe new BIOS
  • You Reply:
    LattePanda wrote:
    Got two LattePanda 8/30, one 32G, one 64G
    32G works fine right out of the box, 64G got display issue at the first time,
    I spend few hours to fix it.
    did you get it working before installing linux?
    64G Win10 did boot up with task bar and wall pepper, all windows contents show on internal screen which I do not have. Fix it with display setting by right click on desktop. shutdown without warning from time to time. that is the reason I started to change setting in BIOS, thought it was put to sleep in certain time.
    LattePanda wrote:
    then I decide to try out Ubuntu.
    so I install Ubuntu 16.04 mate desktop on it, works good on the first boot.
    but after apt-get upgrade, it shutdown right after reach to desktop.
    this could be a power issue. I assume you are using HDMI out, please verify
    this thread might help:
    Yes, after having same sudden shutdown on the 32G one, I realize it is the power issue.
    after apply 5V3A power adapter and a thicker cable, LattePanda works just fine.
    LattePanda wrote:
    so I try to mess up some BIOS settings. turn out no HDMI output at all,
    can you remember which bios settings you changed? we are working on a new bios currently that will eliminate these point of no return bios errors and are collecting user data.

    they are Chipset->North Bridge->Intel IGD Configuration->GOP Driver->Disabled
    and Chipset->North Bridge->Intel IGD Configuration->Interated Graphics Device->Disabled

    and when can I expect this new BIOS?
    LattePanda wrote:
    Try to reflash BIOS but it don't even read from the USB drive,
    the same USB drive I use for reflash autoboot BIOS works just fine.
    perhaps this thread might be helpful.
    LP do not read from USB now, I did not try to recover WIN10. will it reset HDMI output?

    LattePanda wrote:
    Now the 64G LP is bricked, is there any way to recover it?
    at this stage the only proven solution is to reflash the bios at hardware level, detailed here:

    I had a 13.3" LCD touch screen, interface is EDP, it connect with same LVDS 30pin FPC, can I use it on internal Display port? what is the pin assignment of LattePande LCD port?

    Here is the Pin out of 13.3" EDP screen

  • You Reply: Help please! LattePanda.

    My 64G LP can't be reset BIOS to its defaults, no power light on the thumb drive, no screen output from HDMI

    I am waiting a IC clamp to do SPI flash BIOS EEPROM.

    is there software way to flash BIOS without a video output?