userhead alberto86
Replies (2)
  • You Reply: I think that the BIOS added in the github repository is only compatible with the Z8350 CPU but it is in the 1.0 section.
    It this correct? I need to know because in that case i broked my lattepanda. I tryed to re-flash this default bios but it give me the error on the picture i attach. ... %20BIOS/4G

    I only need to put windows boot manager first in the BIOS boot order priorities! Attachments 20170219_1154814.jpg 20170219_1154814.jpg (182.54 KiB) Viewed 11323 times



  • Topic:
    You Reply: Hi there,

    I know this is an old post but i'm having exactly the same issue as the user alete had but i think the solution he provides will break my system.

    In my case, i'm not trying to install GNU/Linux. I was trying to update the BIOS to have the auto-boot feature in the 4G/64G z8300 cpu so i downloaded the .zip from here: ... %20BIOS/4G

    But after flashing it, my Lattepanda only boots in recovery mode and in the BIOS it saves all changes except the boot option priorities!

    The only way to boot Windows 10 is to use the Windows Boot manager Override option in the "Save & Exit" section.

    Please help! Thanks in advance.