Replies (9)
  • You Reply:
    LattePanda wrote: ↑Thu Feb 08, 2018 2:39 am From what you said, I guess the board may have been damaged and we also have no idea how to fix it.Really bad news.
    Meaning I shouldn't even bother sending it in for repair?
    Because this essentially leaves me with another 2 not working lattePandas, one display possibly responsible for damaging the boards and an additional display we couldn't even start using.

    LattePanda wrote: ↑Thu Feb 08, 2018 2:39 am Btw, are you using the board on your project ? What's your plan if there is no working LattePanda?
    We use (or rather used) the latte pandas in a biology lab for very basic imaging and data-logging tasks. One board was essentially just used for taking images on a microscope and the other was used for running a basic behaviour task.

    In case the boards can't be fixed/replaced we'll have to revert to "real" computers for the microscope task. For the behaviour the only other options are also "real" computers connected to either Raspberrys or Arduinos to get access to some sort of input pins.
  • You Reply:
    LattePanda wrote: ↑Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:27 am (1) The status of the Blue and Red LED after the power supply plugged.
    RED LED off (no signal at all)
    BLUE LED blinking a few times, then turns off

    LattePanda wrote: ↑Tue Feb 06, 2018 7:27 am (2) The status of the Blue and Red LED after the power button pressed.
    RED LED still off
    BLUE LED not responding
  • You Reply: The RED led doesn't do anything.

    The BLUE led only blinks.

    The board itself does not initialize or do anything for that matter (for example: the CN2 pins have no electricity on them).
    We so far tried 3 different power adapters (all with at least 2A current) which had worked perfectly fine before the boards crashed and also tried using the boards with no peripherals connected to it in case any of those drain too much power or cause a boot failure. None if this changes anything.

    So the symptoms are the very same I had the last time and at that time it was diagnosed as a
    error with the power manager caused by a short circuit somewhere

    The reason why we think the display could be causing this:
    LattePanda #1 was connected to the original display from the kickstarter campaign: crashed while in use and now won't boot.

    LattePanda #2 was connected to a different external monitor via hdmi (the monitor itself has it's own power source). This worked just fine.

    After LattePanda #1 crashed we disconnected it from the display and replaced it with LattePanda #2 so we could continue to work with that setup. The power source we used was the one LattePanda #2 was connected to all along and had worked perfectly fine.
    So after connecting this LattePanda to the display and trying to boot it the problems started: no red LED turning on, only the blue light blinking.

    So the only thing all three LattePandas seem to have in common from the hardware side is the display.
    Again, I have no idea how this is possible and I'll happily try anything to get the boards working again or test if the display really is the thing causing the crashes
  • You Reply: aaaand it's happened again:
    the exact same problem (blue LED blinks, but board won't power on) just this time it happened while viewing images.

    Is there any way the problem can be avoided or maybe fixed for good this time?

    EDIT: we connected another latte panda to the same display (capacative display & touch overlay) the two broken ones were connected to and the third one now also won't power on any more. So essentially we now broke three latte pandas with the same display ?!
    The flex cables and the connectors on the latte pandas look fine (no tears or nicks or scratches) so I have no idea how the display could short-circuit the entire board
  • You Reply: and another update:
    package with a new lattepanda arrived last Wednesday (there was a bank holiday on Tuesday so it might have arrived even earlier during a normal week) and is already up and running.

    So far everything seems to work just fine so thanks a lot for all the help (and most importantly) the new working board
  • You Reply: Update:
    just received an anwer from techsupport
    Please understand that we need time to test and repairing because the board already be damaged on the Power manager unit. [...] We will ship out at this week if we can.
    So for all with similar problems: seems the cause is the Power manager.
  • You Reply: Update on the RMA request:
    • package sent to China on August 25th
    • reached China on August 28th
    • email from techsupport on August 30th:
      Thanks for your information, we will give you the replacement after we confirm the tracking number
    Since then no news or arrival of a replacement. So if anyone here knows what's going on I'd appreciate any information on the state of things
  • You Reply:
    LattePanda wrote:Just check the hardware connection first and move to the next step.
    I still do not know what the "next step" you refer to is supposed to be?

    Would you like me to send the LP back to you?
    Or is there some other troubleshooting option I'm supposed to check but have so far failed to do?

    Any insight would be much appreciated
  • You Reply: Apologies for the delayed response; I was away on a field trip for the past weeks.

    Accessories connected when it shut itself off:
    - original latte panda screen & touch screen (= 7” IPS 1024x600 Display & 7” Cap Touch Panel)
    - wireless keyboard (
    - USB 2.0 Camera (older version of this ... =en&id=274)
    - 2 fans (0,12A each; ... s_id=85432)
    (Plus 2 heatsinks on each side of the board connected by thermal adhesive pads stuck to the metal covers)

    Before it crashed I used it in this configuration before without glitches and a colleague of mine has nearly the exact same setup (he doesn't have the touch panel) on his LP running on a daily basis with no problems so far.

    Something that we realized by now:
    if the LP is connected to a USB port (USB 2 or 3) via the micro USB port the blue light on the LP starts blinking a few times and then stops. The red light still won't respond nor will the LP boot but it appears not to be completely dead after all.

    The project was intended to use the LP in a biology lab instead of a regular computer for very low tech applications (i.e. aquiring cell culture images).
    Ideally we'd like to use it for more complex tasks as well (i.e. animal behaviour paradigms) because it's a lot faster to connect different sensors to a LP and still run Windows-software for quick prototyping (we mostly use Bonsai []).