userhead cmonkey
Replies (6)
  • You Reply: Just tried it. Worked like a charm

    4k60 via display port 1.2 over USB-C. It's awesome to have a single cable carrying both power and video signals to/from the LP Alpha.

    So the LG 32UD99 and LP Alpha certainly are a match made in heaven.

    Thanks for all your help.
  • You Reply: LG tech support finally got back to me with an answer :-

    I am sorry for the delay in getting back to you, I hope you are keeping well in these unprecedented times.

    The factory has got back to me and the power profiles for the 32UD99-W are as follows:
    20V, 3A, 60W
    15V, 3A, 45W
    9V, 3A, 27W
    5V, 3A, 15W

    I hope this resolves the query you had with the monitor and you can now enjoy it to its full potential.

    If you have any further questions please reply to this email and I would be happy to assist with them.

    So, based on this info, it should be perfectly OK to power the LP Alpha over USB-C from the monitor and have the video signal and power through a single cable. I'll give it a try later on today and let you know how it went.
  • You Reply: Thank you for this information.

    I still haven't received an answer from LG on the question that I asked. I'll follow it up with them today. Not great customer service from LG in my opinion.

    I'm eager to know if it will work and I'm sorely tempted to try it just to see, but I'm scared of damaging my LP Alpha if it can't handle potentially 19/20V.
  • You Reply: I sent the question to LG support yesterday but still haven't had a response from them.

    If the monitor does provide 19V 3A then will the LP Alpha not simply just consume 15V out of the 19V and still work OK? Or will pumping 19V into the USB-C port fry it?
  • You Reply: The page linked below shows that the 27" version of this monitor (27UD88) offers 3 profiles over USB-C :-

    5V 2A (10W)
    12V 3A (36W)
    19V 3A (57W)

    So it's likely that the 32UD99 offers something similar, but I'll ask LG tomorrow. ... -late-2016
  • You Reply: Thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately the LG spec sheet for this monitor doesn't give that info. It only gives the Wattage output. I'll try asking the question of LG tomorrow and get back to you with their answer.

    USB Type-C Yes(x1, PD, DP Alt. Mode, Data), UHD@60Hz, PD=60W