This is a windows only problem, howver it does seem you got your reply. Thanks eveyone!!! The more we fix, the more tech we have!!!! This said, the device I'm building is going to be a head unit. If more problems are seen, will upload the fix to all forms I'm in
Credit goes to "PhantomNomad" on reddit.
In Windows device manager you can now find a serial interface called e.g."SimTech HS-USB AT Port 9001 (COM5)" Memorize the COM* interface number in your system.Open a command prompt with admin rights (right click Windows icon in bottom left corner). Copy and paste the command bellow, edit port number to match the one in your system and hit enter. The command will then be sent to module overt the serial interface.ECHO AT+CUSBPIDSWITCH=9003,1,1 >\\.\COM5
Do at your own risk and level of knoladge, I am able to slip 2 noctua 40x10mm 5v fans and power them from the pin header on the board. They are 3 pin speed control. They include these tools they call OmniJoin adapters. They allow you to insulate spliced wiring. They do have patrolium in them so if used, keep it inside. Helps insulate. With the case from aliexpress, "or DFrobot" they work great
Yes, this worked great. I couldn't find kits for the exact pin header for the board, had to get breakaway ones. Thank you
Thank you. Seeing about ordering them and seeing if it lets me slip the fan under. I'm using an aluminum case/heatsink. Needs a fan, passive doesn't work. Would imagine the UPS hat will be okay with the extension