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Replies (20)
  • You Reply:
    LattePanda wrote: ↑Wed Aug 05, 2020 7:18 am
    Diomedes1905 wrote: ↑Fri Jul 31, 2020 5:37 pm
    Diomedes1905 wrote: ↑Sun Apr 19, 2020 4:18 pm

    Hi, any advance you can share with us after more than one year?
    Hi, this is just a kindly reminder.
    Hi Diomedes
    I am sorry to get back to you late.
    We named new version LattePanda with as
    Generally refers to the leader in a wolf pack, α / Alpha. It will also be the leader in the LattePanda series, the most powerful in performance. Known as the leader of the Pandas, or "AlphaPanda" for short.
    Mathematical Character △; a triangle. In terms of product design, performance, and price, it signals a compromise between the three. It keeps the perfect balancing, while balancing best reflects the beauty of engineering.
    Your response only demonstrate that you are not the same person that was following this thread. I already know about the alpha a delta, please read before answer or not answer at all.
  • You Reply:
    Diomedes1905 wrote: ↑Sun Apr 19, 2020 4:18 pm
    LattePanda wrote: ↑Wed Feb 20, 2019 7:48 am
    Diomedes1905 wrote: ↑Fri Feb 15, 2019 2:24 pm Hey, it's me Diomedes again, I was looking in the DFRobot store and I haven't notice before that the first version of LP says "LattePanda V1.0", this means that you got definitive name for the upgraded model?
    Definitely not. I think it's just changed by DFRobot online store team to make it easier for customers to identify the products. The product team is still working on the upgrade. The code name is LattePanda LD. Didn't decide the final product name yet.
    Hi, any advance you can share with us after more than one year?
    Hi, this is just a kindly reminder.
  • You Reply: You can, however, change the module for another one. But I don't recommend it if you don't have the right equipment.
  • You Reply:
    joris wrote: ↑Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:29 am Half a day later: I'm still stuck at the above screen.

    Can someone (from Lattepanda) help me out here?

    I have confirmed that my download is not corrupt
    It's looks like you have a corrupted image of Windows 10. Download the files and try again.

    If the problem persist it could be a sign of a failed unit. Contact support is my recommendation.
  • You Reply:
    LattePanda wrote: ↑Wed Feb 20, 2019 7:48 am
    Diomedes1905 wrote: ↑Fri Feb 15, 2019 2:24 pm Hey, it's me Diomedes again, I was looking in the DFRobot store and I haven't notice before that the first version of LP says "LattePanda V1.0", this means that you got definitive name for the upgraded model?
    Definitely not. I think it's just changed by DFRobot online store team to make it easier for customers to identify the products. The product team is still working on the upgrade. The code name is LattePanda LD. Didn't decide the final product name yet.
    Hi, any advance you can share with us after more than one year?
  • Topic:
    You Reply:
    joris wrote: ↑Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:29 am Half a day later: I'm still stuck at the above screen.

    Can someone (from Lattepanda) help me out here?

    I have confirmed that my download is not corrupt
    It's looks like you have a corrupted image of Windows 10. Download the files and try again.

    If the problem persist it could be a sign of a failed unit. Contact support is my recommendation.
  • You Reply:
    Diomedes1905 wrote: ↑Tue Feb 26, 2019 1:11 am
    acasta wrote: ↑Sun Jun 05, 2016 3:57 pm Hi!
    I received my new heat sinks yesterday, and just tinkered around with them:

    For reference: 40x32mm heat sink, small raspi-heat sink, 5V fan.
    I made a mistake and got two of 40x40x11 mm heatsink, any help with a case?
    Or at least, in how to modify an existing case?
  • You Reply:
    acasta wrote: ↑Sun Jun 05, 2016 3:57 pm Hi!
    I received my new heat sinks yesterday, and just tinkered around with them:

    For reference: 40x32mm heat sink, small raspi-heat sink, 5V fan.
    I made a mistake and got two of 40x40x11 mm heatsink, any help with a case?
  • You Reply:
    pccastellano1989 wrote: ↑Mon Sep 26, 2016 1:16 pm I've used LP as a Desktop PC.
    Here is my wish list for the next release:

    1)Arduino Leonardo with the standard pin-out
    2)Battery CMOS embedded
    3)Fan manageable from the BIOS
    4)BIOS auto-recovery
    5)Auto Power ON manageable from the BIOS
    6)PXE and Wake on Lan
    7)Modem GSM with SIM card slot (for industrial usage is needed)
    8)PCI-e slot (for future expansions)
    9)E-mmc not soldered
    10)Others USB port
    11)An industrial COM port
    12)Gigabit Ethernet
    13) At least 8GB of RAM
    14)Best Heatsink embedded
    Maybe later to the party, but you should read this
  • You Reply: Hey, it's me Diomedes again, I was looking in the DFRobot store and I haven't notice before that the first version of LP says "LattePanda V1.0", this means that you got definitive name for the upgraded model?
  • You Reply:
    LattePanda wrote: ↑Wed Jan 23, 2019 7:42 am
    BTW, the upgraded model won't bring any feature or layout conflict compared with current product design to avoid troubles for business partners.
    I won't ask to do that at all, just take account our concerns and not just do something like change the power connector and the voltage regulator
  • You Reply:
    LattePanda wrote: ↑Wed Jan 23, 2019 7:42 am
    Diomedes1905 wrote: ↑Tue Jan 22, 2019 11:42 pm
    Lutz wrote: ↑Tue Jan 08, 2019 9:34 am
    I apologize for the long text, but in my eyes it was unfortunately necessary this time.
    Yours sincerely

    (Translated from German by )
    Thanks Lutz, you truly understand me and what I want to express. If we are going to use a "hackable windows machine" it must run better than a potato.
    After talking with the product team, I think we will kick-off a real project for some of good ideas provided by u and Lutz. The key target is still upgrading the entry level model to be better and maintain the basic feature and layout of the original version.
    Thanks a lot Lutz and you for taking the time and consider my idea.
    LattePanda wrote: ↑Wed Jan 23, 2019 7:42 am Then my question will be. Would you guys help to give a good name for this upgraded model?
    Coz, after extending our product line from a LattePanda board to a LattePanda series products, people have troubles to talk about the 1st generation product, like we need to call it 1st gen LattePanda board, which is not good.

    We've decided to make some changes and a better name for upgraded name will be necessary in my view.
    Here are a few names I came along:
    • LattePanda 2
    • LattePanda The Second
    • LattePanda Elongated (just for the lol)
    • LattePanda Enriched
    • LattePanda Enhanced 2
    • LattePanda Enhanced+
    • LattePanda Excelsior
    • LattePanda Quantum
    • LattePanda Forced Quantum
    • LattePanda Discovery
    • LattePanda Geronimo
    • LattePanda Ajax
    • LattePanda Armstrong
    • LattePanda DL(for me and Lutz)
  • You Reply:
    Lutz wrote: ↑Tue Jan 08, 2019 9:34 am
    I apologize for the long text, but in my eyes it was unfortunately necessary this time.
    Yours sincerely

    (Translated from German by )
    Thanks Lutz, you truly understand me and what I want to express. If we are going to use a "hackable windows machine" it must run better than a potato.
  • You Reply:
    LattePanda wrote: ↑Mon Jan 07, 2019 10:39 am Interesting. Let us brainstorm for further ideas.

    So, let us list the products released now:
    1. LattePanda - Entry level - Up to $89
    Let's talk about this:

    The so called entry level:
    We're are talking about a Windows machine, no a Linux nor an Android. Having 4GB of RAM or less is uphill for a lot of projects.

    In less than 2 minutes I got 46% of RAM usage of the Top of line of the Entry level:

    This means that at least, 92% in the 2GB version, the real entry level. I have not anything installed nor a service running (except for the snipping tool), this is the Windows x64 behavior in a computer in idle.
    LattePanda wrote: ↑Mon Jan 07, 2019 10:39 am And the next question is the Linux support on Atom series is not that good as Gemini lake series. That's another small problem in my view.
    If we are going to talk about Linux support, we're going to jump to another topic, just check this
    LattePanda wrote: ↑Mon Jan 07, 2019 10:39 am BTW, I highly recommend to define a new product name for this idea! Coz Beta is kind of unreliable version... Haha!

    Look forward to your reply!
    Yeah, I know, I was thinking in the developer preview of Windows 8 that had a little fish, in my country we call it Beta. Another name could be something like Gargantua o whatever you want, that's up to you
  • You Reply:
    LattePanda wrote: ↑Fri Dec 28, 2018 2:23 pm BTW, why do you think $180 is still competitive compared with LattePanda Delta (if it's available)? Look forward to your suggestion!
    This is pretty open topic in my view. More thoughts are really good. Though we are really really busy with the production for Alpha and accessories...
    (I will start to call this idea the LattePanda Beta if you don't mind )

    Please take a look a this comparison sheet:,128983

    The processor currently used in the Delta have a few goods: More PCI Express lanes, more L3 cache and support for more USB Ports. But the LP Delta only have 3 USB Ports and it's too expensive for just a 4GB option RAM option.

    The Atom x7-Z8750 that I shows you has a better base and burst frequency, better thermal design, less power consumption, it's smaller and (the most important part) it's cheaper by almost 300%.

    Look, I'm not telling you to throw a way the Delta, its has a specific public with a very specific set of problems to resolve. I'm just telling you that having a fully and complex solution running on a "Windows hackable computer" with only 4GB of RAM it's too complicated (when on idle there is more than 1.5 GB consumed by the OS) and expensive. There is no excuse to still paying more than $160 for a option that only give us 4GB of RAM, a lot of occupied space and worries about power consumption and thermal dissipation.

    And this is just me talking about the CPU and RAM. Windows, with all the updates and development frameworks needs a lot of internal space. Having 100% of the pin layout of the Arduino its a must, because some shields works great on 3.3V. We also would like to reuse our previous PCB designed for the Leonardo and use them in the LP without any problem.

    My two cents is to give you a cheaper but reliable solution that we, makers, hobbyists, entrepreneurs and business owners, will buy for a lot of environments and ideas.
  • You Reply:
    sansupercool wrote: ↑Sat Oct 27, 2018 4:24 pm In that case I would rather prefer Udoo X86 Advanced Plus or Ultra
    A few days ago I propose a better LattePanda, cheaper than the Alpha or Delta but stronger than the current Enterprise,, even the Udoo will lack in performance with this configuration/price ratio.
  • Topic:
    You Reply:
    margrate97 wrote: ↑Wed Dec 19, 2018 11:33 am I recently bought LP Enterprise Edition , I am finding it very limited to do software development on this board.

    "https ://"
    You should thinking that the LP is the production environment, with not intentions to be a dev environment.

    A few days ago I propose a better LattePanda, cheaper than the Alpha or Delta but stronger than the current Enterprise,

    EDIT by Moderator :
    Disabled Spam-Links
  • You Reply:
    LattePanda wrote: ↑Wed Dec 12, 2018 11:01 am
    This is an interesting topics. Seems that you are balancing the cost, performance and power consumption all these. But would you mind to the key user scenarios or applications in your mind with this idea!?
    Thanks for your considerations. I was thinking to approach to a lot of scenarios and applications:
    • Machine Learning applications such as autonomous cars or wheelchairs and cloudless face/object recognitions. Personal favorite
    • Portable stations for weather monitor or radiofrequency.
    • Mechatronics implementations where we need a bunch of peripherals to manipulate, like 6-8 motors and 4-6 sensors.
    • In warehouse logistics or farms controls or whenever we need a drone to automatically gather information from a space and process that info faster than other existing Raspberry to server implementation.
    • Geolocation and monitoring car/truck system.
    • Kiosk touch enable stands. Right now a tiny touch screen with a crappy computer inside cost more than USD$5k
    • Even for common non-pro office employees, like customer service employees in banks or wherever the space is too limited to have a full desktop computer.
    • Every place where right now we're needing for a computer but we have to relay for a segmented implementation of a Raspberry PI or Arduino and a computer that must of the time is used for multiple users with multiple programs making this a very slow solution.
  • You Reply: I strongly believe that having at least 8GB of RAM is a most for a Windows computer that will run any program except web browser or any Office application.

    Having ~20GB of ROM it's great for a starting point, but having another 100GB or more is even better for gather a lot of information in a disconnected environment, has enough space for the temporal files, compress the old ones and so on.

    A mouse, keyboard and another peripheral is more than enough for most of applications that require USB connections. More than that we can use an USB Hub.

    The power: right now having 5V@2.5A charger is difficult to have because the market is full of trashy ones that give you at most 4.3V@2A and even when we use a powered USB hub, we end using the CN2 connector so the power micro USB connector is useless. With a 12V@1A power supply and a UBEC connected to the CN2 connector we don't run into this problem.

    Some of us need to use a camera for compute vision and I think that a Raspberry one can be a good implementation.
  • You Reply:
    Diomedes1905 wrote: ↑Sun Oct 21, 2018 11:07 pm
    Can we all email the techsupport man too?
    I emailed the tech support man and I haven't received any response in more than month.