You Reply: Yes they should do a server too. That's how I am running mine now.
You Reply: I wanted to put a new Windows on it. I copied it to a 8GB but it did not have room so I used a 32GB and copy it to it.
Then it started to boot and then the video turn off.
Now I can't get video out of it now!
I tried to reset it holding both buttons for 20 sec. How it says.
I know my HDMI is good because I can plug it in other things and it they get videos on it.
I got a 3 AMP 5 volts on it.
When I plug the power in the blue LED comes on and turns off. Then the red LED comes on at the bottom of it. It never turns off if I don't have keyboard plug in to the USB. But when I have a USB keyboard then the red LED will go off and then I press the power button and the red LED comes on but I never get any video out of the HDIM now.
What can I do to get video to work?
-Raymond Day
You Reply: About all my media is on my server that using the LP for now.
Seems to work good as long as I convert the videos to MP4.
I think it's good to have that over lay to tell it's to slow. It still works any ways but just stops and goes over and over as it plays the video.
Guess that patch only turns off the over lay saying that. It would still stop and go I guess.
-Raymond Day
You Reply: Good link for a slow Raspberry Pi to work with it. But it's for ARM. The LattePanda is not a ARM CPU.
-Raymond Day
You Reply: Used HandBrake and converted a .mkv that is 26.3 GB to .mp4 that is 6.21 GB both 1080P and my Amazon Fire box can play is super good using the LattePanda running plex TV.
So looks like it don't have to convert it.
All so nice it makes it way smaller file size.
-Raymond Day
You Reply: Looked up some videos for plex and got more info. Can test if a CPU can convert the videos. I went to http://www.cpubenchmark.net and compared the 3 new type Intel compute sticks. The low one has the same CPU as the Lattepanda.
On plex web page they said if want to do just one 1080p video the CPU mark should be at lest 2000.
Here is what I got comparing the 3 low Watt CPU's.

The last 2 at m5 and m3 they both go over 2000 CPU Mark. The m3 can buy now the m5 real soon.
That's neat to know it should be able to be powerful enough to convert a video for smooth playback.
Here is the link were found out how fast the CPU needs to be:
https://support.plex.tv/hc/en-us/articl ... -computer-
-Raymond Day -
You Reply: Using my Lattepanda install Linux 4.4.0-21-generic #37-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 18 18:33:37 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux.
With commands like this:
git clone https://github.com/mrworf/plexupdate.git
cd plexupdate/
dpkg -i plexmediaserver_0.
a2ensite plex.conf
a2enmod proxy
a2enmod proxy_http
a2enmod rewrite
service apache2 restart
Can then go to my server or Lattepanda IP and http://IP:32400/web has a nice media manager.
Can install the plex player on a HD TV, Roku, and Amazon's fire TV. Other things too,
It converts videos on the fly in real time to play then on what every you are playing them on.
But MKV type 1080 P I have on my server it will show this.
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/_ ... directlink
plex will say "The server is not powerful enough to convert this video for smooth playback.
Guess the new Intel stick that is coming out soon will be powerful enough.
But it cost over $500 now. About 3 weeks ago on that link it was just under $500 so it went up some.
Looks like it will use about 4 watts of power. Not to bad. USB 3.1 on it too. That's to power it and have two other USB 3.0 ports on it's power supply.
The plex is free for your LAN but out on WAN to like cell phones and tablets they charge for $.
Just wanted to let all know if they want to play 1080p videos it can't keep up at lest with Plex. I can play it on my computer opening Samba and then play it. It's just converting it on the fly can't keep up.
How I found out about plex is I seen this good video telling about it:
-Raymond Day -
You Reply: It does auto start and boot now when I plug in the power. Super good!
The DEL key goes in the BIOS on boot up. Can set the boot in there. Has 1 to 4 boots can pick. In what order.
-Raymond Day
You Reply: It's on the side of the power and reset switch but way over on the other end but not all the way to the end.
Right beside the black 10 pin plug on that side.
-Raymond Day
You Reply: I press F3 and then it said press DEL key and I did and then it goes in the BIOS. So it's the DEL key to go in the BIOS.
I don't know why you said press F7.
-Raymond Day
You Reply: I press Ctrl + Alt + Del and it starts back up and I press F7 hold it or press up and down on it fast but it just goes to the Ubuntu Grub boot then. No BIOS.
Am I missing something?
-Raymond Day
You Reply: I installed this BIOS. It still don't auto start.
Do I have to go in the BIOS to set that up? Or like they say I guess you hold down the power button as you plug in the power to go in the BIOS to set it up?
-Raymond Day
You Reply: Just updated the BIOS to the auto start one.
Here is that same info now:
root@lp:~# dmidecode | grep -A 26 'BIOS Information'
BIOS Information
Version: S70C_001
Release Date: 04/25/2016
Address: 0xF0000
Runtime Size: 64 kB
ROM Size: 4096 kB
PCI is supported
BIOS is upgradeable
BIOS shadowing is allowed
Boot from CD is supported
Selectable boot is supported
BIOS ROM is socketed
EDD is supported
5.25"/1.2 MB floppy services are supported (int 13h)
3.5"/720 kB floppy services are supported (int 13h)
3.5"/2.88 MB floppy services are supported (int 13h)
Print screen service is supported (int 5h)
Serial services are supported (int 14h)
Printer services are supported (int 17h)
ACPI is supported
USB legacy is supported
BIOS boot specification is supported
Targeted content distribution is supported
UEFI is supported
BIOS Revision: 5.11
I thought it just auto come up but I still had to press the power button.
Looks like only the Date changed on this info.
Maybe I need to go in the BIOS to set it to auto boot? If so what key do you press to go in the BIOS?
-Raymond Day -
You Reply: My guess is all messed up there LP 1st booting with a power supply not good for it and it messed up the Windows. Then you try a good power supply and it's still don't work because the other power supply corrupted the Windows on it. Or maybe in the BIOS corrupted on some.
So make sure you install Windows form the link on here with a good power supply.
If you BIOS is messed up I guess they have to tell you how to reinstall that. If it can be done.
-Raymond Day
You Reply:
Download Lubuntu 16.04 64 bit desktop here. it is a ISO that you can but to a DVD.
Or easier can just put it on a USB flash stick with something like Rufus.
Plug that in the USB 3.0 port of the Lattepanda and boot it up and can pick to use live Lubuntu and see how it works. There will be a install icon on there.
I DD backed up my Windows on it before I installed it. Look up how to do Linux DD copy. But it be something like this:
Open a command promt in the live Lubuntu.
sudo su root
umount /media/mmcblk0
dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/media/usb/LP-Win10-backup.dd
It would be something like that. Change them commands to were things are mounted on yours.
I would have to do it over again to see just what commands you would do. Can do a df -h to see the mounts it does to umount the built in Flash drive you want to backup to something like another USB flash stick. The df- h will show that.
Or if you got the 4GB flash you can tell Lubuntu to install next to Windows 10. I did not do it like that just said used all the 4GB after I DD backup the Windows on it.
But if you just want to see how it works can run the live USB Lubuntu right on it and it will not install any thing on the built in flash. That will let you play with it.
-Raymond Day -
You Reply: I got Linux on mine and I am still testing it for "uptime".
I guess you need good power to it. This is a good one on Amazon a 2.5 amp at 5 volt they use for the Raspberry Pi and the 7 inch touch screen on it. $10 for it.
-Raymond Day -
You Reply: Good photos showing the case of the board.
-Raymond Day
You Reply: Got phpsysinfo working on it. It's neat to see the info. Here is a screen shot of it with my URL blanked out.

To see it full size to read it click here. and click on the + in the upper right corner.
-Raymond Day -
You Reply: I had my Intel compute stick the one with USB 3.0 as my server before the LattePanda. So I booted the same USB live load of Lubuntu 16.04 in it. But did not install it just used it to copy my setting from the eMMC in the ICS.
It has the same CPU as the LP. But I guess not the same WiFi chip.
I just tested nmtui command on it and it shows the LAN and WiFi. Got this photo of my screen of it. That's my WiFi around here.
Live load on ICS USB3 WiFi works.jpg (47 KiB) Viewed 49248 times
What the LP has that the ICS does not is 2 Times the RAM and eMMC. That makes it worth it for me.
-Raymond Dayattachments:
Live load on ICS USB3 WiFi works.jpg
You Reply: This was the only Linux I could find that would install on it. I could run live Linux on it but installing them it would not boot all the way then.
I was working on the WiFi but did not get it to work yet. I don't really need it any way.
I don't see why it matters if other see the MAC address. I just know if don't have my URL name in it. That's what I did not want in it.
-Raymond Day