Replies (4)
  • You Reply: You could try using UltraVNC+Addons instead of TightVNC.

    You could also try some other remote control software instead of VNC. I like TeamViewer (works both into LAN and online), it would be perfect if you have to use it from a remote location (no NATting issues).
    Alternatively you could try Splashtop Remote or Ammyy.
  • You Reply: The right keystroke to get into the BIOS is DEL. F7 works fine too (you get the boot menu, where you can select the "get into bios" option).
    Are you sure your CPU in not throttling due to heat issues? It's fairly common with lattepanda, and it would explain why you CPU gets hogged.
    If you want to force your CPU to always stay at the the same speed you could try the free software throttlestop (but ofcourse i'd try from BIOS first). I didn't experiment that much with it to tell you how to use it, but i know its doable.
  • You Reply: thanks!
  • You Reply: Hello!
    Buying a serial adapter which will work without hassle is pretty easy (i can suggest the DeLOCK 61364).
    Parallel...its trickier...i never had that much luck with those, especially USB adapters.

    Stay away from cheap usb-to-parallel, their "emulation" is absolutely nothing near the real deal.

    Your best bet would be to buy something like this ... USB2321284, test it with your software on a normal PC and then, if everything goes right, you can proceed to test it on the Lattepanda

    Keep in mind that the whole project is IMHO still not out of the "beta" phase.